Sunday, December 17, 2006

New congress, death, and monkey-boy

2,946 today.

This interim period before the swearing in of the 110th congress is maddening. It is only a few more weeks, I know, until January 4th when the new congess takes its seats.

I am heartened by some things, and disappointed by some things, which are all happening at once.

First, the scrutiny by the house promises to be intense. Congressman Waxman and the Ethics Committee are looming over the Haliburton contracts, the White House, and the Pentagon like a gathering cloud, about to let loose a downpour of subpeonas.

On the other hand, John Conyers with the Judiciary Committee appear to be taking a more cautious approach. Pelosi and Conyers both have stated that impeachment is "off the table", and apparently they are not even going to issue any subpoenas, to start with. This is disappointing, but I think I understand what's going on. Pelosi and Conyers have both stated that there will be rigorous oversight from now on, and it would seem like the worst sort of self-serving politics for her to press for impeachment right from the start, since she is next in line for the presidency if Bush and Cheney both go.

The case for impeachment is already strong, but the administration's ability to "catapult the propaganda" under the direction of Karl Rove, who unfortunately seems to be acting as the equivalent of Joseph Goebbels (the Propaganda Minister for the Third Reich) in our government, albeit with the official title of Deputy White House Chief of Staff for Strategic Planning. As Congressman John Moss (D-CA) said on April 30, 1973, leading up to the Watergate investigations, "...before we even suggest impeachment, we must have the most uncontroverted evidence."

This means to me that while there will be no articles of impeachment approved by the 110th Congress in its first hours or days, the notion of impeachment is for now, "tabled", or put aside until evidence begins to mount. Soon enough it will become clear, not only to those of us who have been paying attention for some time now, but to the American people in general, the depth of impropriety, scandal, and opportunism that lie at the heart of the Bush administration.

The day is coming when Monkey-boy

and Darth Sidious

(i dunno - you decide)

will both be marched out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in shackles and orange jumpsuits. This has to be done by the book, completely in accordance with the law, or we are no better than they are.

In the meantime, our responsibility is to continue to bring pressure to bear on the administration and congress, and to continue to make sure that the war is present in the minds of the American people. 2007 is a crucial year.

2,946 American servicepeople killed
22,057 American servicepeople wounded

That's over 25,000 U.S. Casualties

The above figure is counting only those killed in Iraq, whether in combat or by other means, and those wounded in combat. If you count those who have fallen ill, been wounded or injured by any means, as well as those killed, the number is over 50,000. (ed. 01/07/07)

The total confirmed deaths for Iraqis is over 25,000, while one estimate puts the median (middle range) estimate of Iraqis killed as over 650,000. There are, in addition, over 1.5 Million refugees.

How many have to die?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent essay, as always! Yes, you are exactly correct but most of us have little patience for dleay on accountability.

Another worry for me is that Harry Reid has wholeheartedly endorsed this "surge" idea in the spirit of bi-partisanship. He says he's been otld it will be short term My ass! It will be bloody door to door guerilla fighting agin against al Sadr's 60,000 militia.

That is why we are marching on DC Jan 27th. There are at least 10 of us from here so far. A friend from TX has a suite for 6, spaces still available for a few guys.